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5 Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight

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5 Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight Have you recently started skipping your exercises, and begun to indulge more in high-calorie foods and drinks? If so, then you probably wouldn’t be surprised if you stepped onto the scale and the number was higher than usual. However, what if you haven’t made any dietary changes whatsoever and […]

5 Foods That Cause Weight Gain

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  Five Foods That Will Make You Gain Weight There are thousands of foods that impact your body in a negative way, leading to weight gain, diseases and more. We are going to narrow down the list to a few of the most common, and the extent of their negative impact on the human body. […]

How To Avoid The Freshman 15

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 (Pounds, That Is) There seems to be a reoccurring theme when it comes to entering into college freshman year. This trend is called the “Freshman 15”. The term “Freshman 15” refers to the weight gained during freshman year. This happens to many freshman college students that live on campus […]

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