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How EPA, DHA & Omega-3 are Good for the Body

how epa dha omega 3 are good for the body

salmon-518032_19201Not all oils are created equally. Omega-3 essential fatty oils are much better for the body than saturated fats, but not all Omega-3 fats are the same. As a matter of fact, the essential fatty acids that propel Omega-3 fatty acids above other forms of fat are EPA, DHA, and ALA. Orlando weight loss experts, Svelte Medical Weight Loss Centers, recognize these important elements and ensure their supplements contain these nutrients to balance your dietary needs.

  • ALA (alpha-linolenic acid): A precursor to EPA and DHA, ALA is plant based. Many forms of seafood contain ALA because their diet consists of marine phytoplankton and seaweed. ALA is also present in many seeds and oils, such as flax seeds and oil, hemp seeds and oil, avocado, walnuts and walnut oil, and chia seeds; however, these nutrients do not contain EPA and DHA because plants are unable to convert the short chains of ALA molecules to the longer forms of EPA and DHA.
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid): Found in cold-water fish – sardines, mackerel, salmon, and herring, for instance –both are directly created from ALA.
  • The conversion is not fast: Naturally occurring Omega-3’s ALA has to be broken down to provide the body with EPA and DHA. The advantage of supplements is the ability of all three nutrients – ALA, EPA, and DHA – to be used immediately.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid benefits: If your Omega-3 fatty acid intake includes all the advantageous components of ALA, EPA, and DHA, you can expect better metabolism of dietary fats and cholesterol, a healthy heart rhythm, protection against oxidative damage, better memory ability, and a healthier immune system.

Svelte Medical Weight Loss, your Orlando weight loss expert, is aware of the difference in Omega-3 fatty acids. Their supplements contain ALA and its successors EPA and DHA. Be sure to contact the experts at Svelte at 407-804-5200 to ask them about their supplements and products. The blogs on their website give the latest information on dieting, lifestyle changes, and weight loss.