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Weight Loss Program Pricing

Svelte Medical Weight Loss Cost and Pricing

Restart SvelteMD

$ 199 Returning Clients
  • For returning SvelteMD clients.
  • Incl.everything in "SvelteMD"


$ 50 BONUS
  • No other medical weight loss practice on earth offers this kind of incentive to its clients!

    We appreciate your referrals and you will appreciate $50 credit on your account with each new client* your refer!
  • New client can be for SvelteMD, SvelteOTC, or even Florida Vein Care & Cosmetic Center!

How Much does Our Orlando Weight Loss Program Really Cost? -and-

Why is Svelte Weight Loss Quite Affordable at These Prices? 

Easy It’s the money you save.

Consider this:

People are always surprised to find more money when they are on Svelte.

Here is where the savings are:

  • The grocery store! Svelte approved foods will save you money at the store.
  • The coffee shop! No afternoon trips to overpriced coffee shops to help you stay awake.
  • On Svelte you will feel alive and energized all day long WITHOUT sugary snacks.
  • Svelte is alcohol free! Save that cocktail money for later on.
  • Svelte mocktails are prescribed!
  • Healthy eating=stable insulin levels=NO junk food cravings! No more blowing $ on junk.
  • Planned meals & snacks mean no more expensive lunches out!
  • Carry a mini cooler bag with all your Svelte approved foods and save a fortune by not eating out!
  • Svelte referral money: People will notice as you lose weight… refer them to Svelte and you get $50 mad money to spend at the practice!
  • Cut your Svelte bills in half with referrals!