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Be Healthier and Happier!

HR Managers: Here’s How You Can Lower Health Insurance Premiums and Have Happier, Healthier and More Productive Employees… For Free!

When Orlando companies want to reduce health insurance premiums, they do this…

Studies have shown if your employees lose 10% of their body weight, they won’t need any more costly medicine for high blood pressure, etc…

… and now, your company can enjoy these benefits – including lower insurance premiums, less sick days and improved employee morale – without spending a dime.


The Svelte Medical Weight Loss Orlando Corporate Wellness Program!

All this at no cost to your company.

But what about results?

At Svelte, over 90% of our clients meet and maintain their ideal body weight. Many clients have successfully escaped the never ending cycle of expensive, harmful prescriptions…

… all while eating delicious natural foods like deli meats, cheese, salmon, grapes, apples, celery, pickles, cucumbers and hard boiled eggs!

And unlike other Orlando weight loss clinics, there are no prepackaged foods to buy… ever! All Svelte approved foods can be purchased at your local grocery store. In fact, many of our users actually save money on their grocery bills (not to mention lose weight, feel better and call in sick to work less).

Here are just a few benefits for your employees:

All this at no cost to you.

Plus, they’re lead longer, happier lives. Because as we both know…

Meeting and Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight Reduces the Risk of…

And Remember…
Your company doesn’t pay for anything. Some companies prefer their employees pay their medical weight loss Orlando membership out of pocket, while others remove the membership cost from their employees paychecks. I’m happy to help you set this up however you wish.

Worst case scenario? Your employees get a delicious, nutritious lunch – plus a “healthy” dose of nutritional education – delivered to your office at no cost to them or you.

And if they do decide to go with Svelte – as many do – they’ll lose weight and lead happier, healthier lives. They won’t need expensive blood pressure meds, diabetes insulin or other costly (and harmful) medicines.

So give me a call today at (407)  221-4338 to reserve a spot. I’ll come out to your office and give a free “Lunch and Learn” (1 hour long). During this Lunch and Learn your employees can have their questions answered in a relaxed, educational atmosphere.

All I need from you is a head count. That’s because I need to know how much food to bring!

So there you have it: a simple (dare I say “fun”) way to help your employees lose weight, feel better, and become more productive… while drastically lowering your insurance premiums.

Give me a call today at (407)  221-4338 to discuss how medical weight loss Orlando can help you accomplish all this and more.

To you and your employee’s health,

Susie Bragg, RN, BSN
Nurse Educator, Svelte Medical Weight Loss
(407) 221-4338 Direct Line
(407) 804-5200 Office Ext. 46