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Excess Carbohydrates and Running

excess carbohydrates and running

runner-888016_1280A long-held belief is that runners and other athletes training for an endurance competition need to “carb up”, or eat large amounts of pasta and cereal the day before a race. While the basis of this information is sound because carbohydrates do provide the body with quick energy, it is now known that carbs are not the best answer for training. For correct weight loss in Orlando, Svelte provides training tips concerning how to ensure your body works better – and longer – for you with more than quick carb loading.

Every cell in your body contains mitochondria. These organelles are responsible for creating energy for your cell and are therefore known as the “powerhouses of the cells.” Mitochondria are not particular about the source of nutrients they use to create energy – they will happily convert glucose or fat into energy. In other words, food produces energy, so more food would provide more energy. The difference is in the types of energy produced.

Carbohydrates are considered short-term energy, much like the escalated “sugar high” you feel after eating a candy bar followed by the crash when the sugar exits your bloodstream, carbs are broken into simple sugars and are taken up by the mitochondria. The energy derived from carbs is short lived like the sugar rush, and athletes in distance runs, such as a marathon or an Ironman competition, feel the downside effects of carb loading while they are still competing. Fats, on the other hand, provide the mitochondria with fuel that is converted to much longer lasting energy. The ability to switch between fats and carbohydrates as an energy source is known as metabolic flexibility. When given both alternate fuel sources, mitochondria pumps out short- and long-term energy.

Most of us realize a high-carb, low-protein diet will cause blood sugar levels to spike and plummet. Carbohydrates stimulate the hormone insulin to pick up blood sugar and deliver it to the cells. Protein, on the other hand, stimulates glucagon secretion, which increases blood sugar levels. A balance of protein and carbs in your diet will counter blood sugar spikes and crashes while ensuring you maintain metabolic flexibility.

Browse our website to learn more information pertaining to diet and exercise, and call the experts in weight loss in Orlando, Svelte, at 407-804-5200 to learn how you can train better and live a more productive life with the correct balance of nutrients.