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Chasing Pounds: Running Towards Weight Gain

Running for Weight Loss

On the road to weight management, one of the most proven methods of achieving results is the reliable activity of running. This is not only good for keeping one’s weight in check, but it does wonders for the circulation as well. However, some people pay too much attention to the scale when running. This can create a problem that, on the surface, appears to make no sense.

Every one who runs (or exercises at all) might see a growth in their weight, but they take this information as an unsettling de-motivator that stops them dead in their tracks. The reason being that they have been told the act of running burns calories, and thus leads to weight loss. While this is true, they ignore the fact that running also increases weight.

Curious as to why this occurs? The answer, actually, is quite simple.


Good Weight Gain Vs. Bad Weight Gain

When keeping track of your weight, you should observe your progress under two different lights: Healthy Weight Gain, and Unhealthy Weight Gain. The two are very different forms of putting on weight, and one should always strive for the first alternative.

You see, Healthy Weight Gain includes any weight that is added to your body through the building of muscles. Activities such as running can lead to this kind of weight gain, as the physical activity is stimulating the muscles being worked. This stimulation causes the muscles to grow, and as a result causes them to add on pounds.

Unhealthy Weight Gain includes the creation and storing of fat — fat that doesn’t get burned because no physical activity is taking place. We accumulate this kind of weight by eating unhealthy foods that are high in fat or sugars, or in simply leading an inactive lifestyle.

Unhealthy Weight Gain is the enemy, and should be treated as such.


Keep Your Pace

If you find yourself “chasing the pounds” every time you go for a run, keep in mind that the weight you are gaining is more likely attributed to the muscles you are building. Just because your weight seems to have plateaued (or increased), do not become discouraged. The work you are doing is making a difference, but your scale cannot discern the reasons for your added pounds.

We suggest always visiting a weight management specialist, like those at Svelte MD. They are trained in measuring your BMI (Body Mass Index), which reveals the truth about the pounds you own. Through studying your body as a whole, not just the number attached to it, our specialists can tell how much of your weight is healthy (muscle), and how much is unhealthy (fat).

With this kind of knowledge, you can rest assured that your efforts are not in vain — and it may even spur you to step-up your routine.


In the end, the best thing to remember is that any physical activity that keeps your body fine-tuned and healthy is beneficial. Exercise such as running will cause weight gain — but in a good way. If you spend your time running but do not notice a decrease in your body-fat, we encourage you to visit Svelte MD to see how our specialists can assist you. Begin with a consultation, which you can sign up for on our home page!

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